Cut Out + Keep

Broken Flip Flop Fix

Don't toss your broken flip flops, here's an easy fix. • Posted by The Sunday Project

Has this ever happened to you? There must be something about the way I walk because I seem to go through a lot of flip flops this way! Rather than buy yet another pair I decided to get a little crafty and refurbish my old broken ones. Here's how I did it!

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Medium 102482 2f2014 06 11 085818 title


Has this ever happened to you? There must be something about the way I walk because I seem to go through a lot of flip flops this way! Rather than buy yet another pair I decided to get a little crafty and refurbish my old broken ones. Here's how I did it!


  1. Small 102482 2f2014 06 11 085933 dscf0224

    Remove the broken straps

  2. Small 102482 2f2014 06 11 085943 dscf0238

    With the slipper the right side up, fold the fabric in half and feed it middle bit through the top hole making a loop on the other side.

  3. Small 102482 2f2014 06 11 090023 dscf0242

    Thread the rest of the fabric through the remaining holes.

  4. Small 102482 2f2014 06 11 090031 dscf0243

    Flip it over, tie the bottom two pieces of fabric to the loop you made earlier.

  5. Small 102482 2f2014 06 11 090046 dscf0287

    Trim the excess i bits and you are done!