Cut Out + Keep

Black And Pink Nail Design

Really cool black and pink nail design! • Posted by Karnyy

I love experimenting with nail polish and I thought this was a pretty fun look!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium nails 1312067648 Medium 131206600711065 1312068928 Medium 101 1087 1312069283 Medium finish 1312069466


I love experimenting with nail polish and I thought this was a pretty fun look!


  1. Small 131206600711065 1312067709

    Paint nails using the pink nail polish. Allow to dry.

  2. Using a small piece of tape and scissors, cut design out of the tape.

  3. Small tape 1312067584

    Place the tape on the nail and using the black nail polish paint over it.

  4. Allow to dry slightly before removing.

  5. Small 101 1087 1312068646

    Repeat until all nails are done. Allow nails to dry fully and finish withh a clear coat!