Cut Out + Keep

Bebe Breeze Full Buckle Infant Mei Tai Carrier

Finally, an amazing baby carrier that you can use until your baby is 35 pounds! • Posted by Samanthavv

I had my daughter in 2007. I used slings with her, but once she hit about 15 pounds, the slings really killed my back and shoulders. I bought a baby carrier. It was HORRIBLE. I couldn't wear it. It hurt my back so bad. I resorted to just toting her around in her carseat. When I had my son, I had a dilema. I couldn't put my sons carseat in the shopping cart seat because then she had to walk and she would dart off. I couldnt put her in the seat, and my sons carseat in the basket, or else I had no room for groceries. I had to do something! So, after a few tries, this is what resulted. And it was a huge hit! People saw me wearing mine, and everyone wanted one! So, I started selling custom order ones! :D

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


4 h 00


Medium 2november 038 1259737050 Medium 2img 2439 1259737094 Medium november 015 1259737114 Medium 2picture 137 1259737137 Medium 2picture 138 1259737143 Medium november 037 1259737155 Medium july27 302 1259737186 Medium small4 1259737338 Medium small 1259737370


I had my daughter in 2007. I used slings with her, but once she hit about 15 pounds, the slings really killed my back and shoulders. I bought a baby carrier. It was HORRIBLE. I couldn't wear it. It hurt my back so bad. I resorted to just toting her around in her carseat. When I had my son, I had a dilema. I couldn't put my sons carseat in the shopping cart seat because then she had to walk and she would dart off. I couldnt put her in the seat, and my sons carseat in the basket, or else I had no room for groceries. I had to do something! So, after a few tries, this is what resulted. And it was a huge hit! People saw me wearing mine, and everyone wanted one! So, I started selling custom order ones! :D
