Cut Out + Keep

Beach In A Bottle Keyring

Carry a mini beach with you at all times =] • Posted by JossieAyame

I made this for my swap with Sally M in June =] It was quite difficult to get the sand and everything to stay in one place in the bottle but I managed to do it by squeezing liquid cement into every tiny gap in the sand, then adding 3 more layers of liquid cement after it had dried.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium dscf3471 1313561836 Medium dscf3474 1313561882


I made this for my swap with Sally M in June =] It was quite difficult to get the sand and everything to stay in one place in the bottle but I managed to do it by squeezing liquid cement into every tiny gap in the sand, then adding 3 more layers of liquid cement after it had dried.
