Show you Batpride by making and wearing a cheap and easy hairclip
I had made this as part of the 30 Days of Creativity for the theme "Superheros".
It is made from upcycled cardboard painted yellow for background with the "Bat" symbol cut from upcycled cardboard from a package covered with Modge Podge Dimensional Magic and glued to a barrette. Most of the time on this was waiting for the coats of paint and the Modge Podge to dry.
The total cost was well under $1.00 and it turned out very professional looking.
- batman_template.jpg 8.37 KB [ Download ]
Emma H. favorited Batman Hairclip 20 Dec 15:57
KMOM14 entered her project Batman Hairclip to Hats On Heads 10 Jun 00:19
WaterAngel added Batman Hairclip to Gifts 06 May 23:40
Nancy! added Batman Hairclip to Batman! superhéro 21 Mar 23:18
jessica.boulanger.10 added Batman Hairclip to projects to make 14 Jan 08:51
jessica.boulanger.10 favorited Batman Hairclip 14 Jan 08:50
Lauren W. favorited Batman Hairclip 27 Oct 00:59
Taylor S. favorited Batman Hairclip 19 Oct 02:22
Barbara M. favorited Batman Hairclip 10 Oct 20:35
CathAlary favorited Batman Hairclip 25 Aug 01:24
You Will Need
Step 2
Cut out the inside bat symbol and place on cardboard (I used black cardboard from packaging, but you could use use any cardboard then paint it black). If you paint it, allow it to dry completely.
Step 4
Glue the barrette on the back of the oval and allow to dry.
Step 5
Glue the back of the oval to the top of the barrette and allow to dry.