Cut Out + Keep

Bathrobe To House Pants

Keep your legs warm and comfy • Posted by Maladignia

My boyfriend obtained 4 bathrobes from his study, 2 for him and 2 for me. Well, you can't wear two bathrobes as one but they were both too short to keep my legs warm so I decided to turn one of them into a pair of trousers. These are not flattering or fit pants. They are wide, baggy but very comfortable and great for a day you don't have to go anywhere and expect no visitors.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 9 klaar 1297693085


My boyfriend obtained 4 bathrobes from his study, 2 for him and 2 for me. Well, you can't wear two bathrobes as one but they were both too short to keep my legs warm so I decided to turn one of them into a pair of trousers. These are not flattering or fit pants. They are wide, baggy but very comfortable and great for a day you don't have to go anywhere and expect no visitors.


  1. Small 1 badjas 1297694308

    Take your bathrobe and remove the 'belt'. Lay the robe on a large flat surface (floor).

  2. Small 2 pas broek 1297694317

    Take a pair of jeans that fit you and see if they fit twice into your bathrobe. Now lay out the bathrobe inside out (for easier cutting, pinning and sewing later) with the front closed.

  3. Small 3 spelden om broek 1297694323

    Put the straight(est) seam of your jeans to the side seam of your bathrobe. Leave a little room for a looser fit. ATTENTION: make sure your jeans do not extend over the center of the bathrobe back. Or else prepare for some improvisation sewing. I made this mistake and had to add pieces of fabric to the crotch area of one of the legs...

  4. Small 4 extra ruimte 1297694331

    Take a bit of extra room on the top and butt part of your jeans.

  5. Small 5 twee pijpen 1297694338

    Cut out the leg, sew the side seam (where the side seam of the bathrobe ended) and the inner leg seam. Do not sew the crotch or the top! Now lay your jeans on the other side of the bathrobe and repeat steps 3 to 5.

  6. Small 6 pijpen in elkaar 1297694346

    When you have two separate legs turn one of them right side out and leave the other wrong side out. Then put the one with the right side out into the other, lining up the crotch edges. This way you have your fabric right on right.

  7. Small 7 broek 1297694353

    Sew the crotch line and turn the pants right side out. Now it's starting to look like something. Try it on to see if it fits you like you want it to. It is probably too wide.

  8. Small 8 band aanspelden 1297694364

    Get the belt of the bathrobe and pin it onto the waistline of your pants. Leave a gap on the front (or wherever you want your closure...) so that you have room to actually tie the belt. Having this 'hole' on the front makes the pants gather there so you have wrinkles on the front of your pants. This is unflattering but hey, these are comfortable pants for a leisurely day around the house. Nobody has to see this. And you'll be wearing your other bathrobe over it, right? ;-) Sew the belt on.

  9. Small 9 klaar 1297694369

    E voila, finished! You can see the pockets of the bathrobe are on the knees of the pants. The loops where the belt used to go through are still there as well. You can remove them but I chose to keep them.