Cut Out + Keep

Apple Cinnamon Ornaments

They smell good FOREVER! Seriously. • Posted by Emily

These delicious smelling ornaments are a great craft for kids and make great gifts for any occasion! And SO EASY!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 0908091012 1252453375 Medium 0908091013 1252453417


These delicious smelling ornaments are a great craft for kids and make great gifts for any occasion! And SO EASY!


  1. Mix the spices and the applesauce in a large bowl. The mixture will be dark brown and thick. Side note: it sometimes helps if you let the applesauce drain for at least a few hours before you begin the project, so that your ornaments dry faster.

  2. Roll out the mixture onto your wax paper, as you would cookie dough, until it is approximately 3/4 of an inch thick.

  3. Use whatever cookie cutter you like and cut out shapes. Use a spatula to put your shapes onto another piece of wax paper for drying.

  4. While they are still moist, use the drinking straw to poke holes at the top of each shape for hanging later.

  5. Allow to dry for one week- make sure they are kept from children, as they do tend to look and smell like cookies.

  6. String ribbon through the holes and decorate as you wish with glitter, paint, etc. Then hang and enjoy!