Cut Out + Keep

Apple Bag

A great petite bag for carrying small things • Posted by Klytemnestra

I sat down to knit a large bag and ended up knitting this instead. The texture kept me interested in the project. I hope it keeps others interested as well!!! This is all my own design.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


6 h 30


Medium dscf0240 1225642381


I sat down to knit a large bag and ended up knitting this instead. The texture kept me interested in the project. I hope it keeps others interested as well!!! This is all my own design.


  1. I used Paton's wool which is cheap and works well, but any yarn will do. Paton's is nice and stretchy though and easy to work with. If you don't mind having a bag to small or huge, don't take your gage(I never do). If you want your bag to be this size(15 inches at its widest point), make sure your gage is 5 stitches to the inch). Cast on 120 Stitches on 3 double point needles. With the fourth needle knit your first row. Then the first area with cables begins.

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    Knit 2 stitches then purl 2 stitches. To make the first cable, slip three stitches onto a cable needle. With your regular knitting needles knit three more stitches, making sure your cable needle keeps its stitches behind your knitting. After those stitches have been knitted, knit right off your cable needle. That is the beginning of your first cable. repeat this process to the end of the row. For the next three rows you will knit the knits and purl the purls: Knit 2, Purl 2, Knit 6. After you have finished these three rows, begin step 2 again as many times as are needed until your knitting measures 1.5 inches(Or as long as you wish it).

  3. Now you will switch from the cables to the basket stitch: Knit One Row, increasing one stitch whenever the pattern changes from a purl to a knit. On the next row begin knitting four stitches then purling four stitches across one row. On the next three rows knit the knitted stitches and purl the purls. After a total of four rows have been completed, switch and begin the row with four purled stitches followed by four knitted stitches. Work this pattern another four rows. Continue switching the basket stitch back and forth every three rows until the piece measures 1.5 inches from the end of the cables.

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    After the basket stitch is completed, for one row knit 2 stitches, increase one, purl 2, then increase 1 all the way across the row. For the next 3.5 inches knit 3 then purl 3 to make a ribbing. Every knitted stitch should be knitted the next row and every purled stitch should be purled.

  5. When you have finished the ribbing, knit the first three stitches. The three purls following you will decrease into one stitch. Follow this once around your knitting until all the purled stitches are single. Knit one row, continuing the rib, by knitting three stitches, purling one and so on. On the next row decrease the knits as done for the purls. Then continue the rib for two rows. The next three rows purl all stitches.

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    Row 1: Knit 6 stitches. Each stitch you knit you will wrap: Begin by knitting a stitch as normal. When the stitch is on your right needle, completed, slide it back onto the left. Bring your yarn up between your two needles so you are holding it in front of your knitting. Slide the stitch back onto the right needle and wrap your yarn around the stitch so it is in its proper position for another stitch. This is confusing but creates a strong bottom for your bag. Wrap every stitch. After 6 stitches, decrease one. Continue throughout the row Row 2: Knit and continue wrapping stitches. Row 3: Knit 5 then decrease one until the row is finished. Row 4: Knit Row 5: Knit four stitches then decrease one Continue decreasing in this pattern every other row until you have finished decreasing every other stitch. Then decrease every stitch until only 3 remain. Sew up the bottom.

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    The Strap: Cast on 14 stitches on 2 double point needles. *Purl 3, Knit 8, Purl 3. Knit 3, Purl 8, knit 3. Repeat from star once Purl 3 stitches. Then put four onto a cable needle and knit the four beyond it. Knit the stitches off the cable needle. Repeat from the star five times or more to make your strap longer. Sew to the top of your bag and its ready to go!!!!