Cut Out + Keep

Antique Lace Earrings

Classic yet lovely, just like you ;) • Posted by Katiedid

I have recently discovered I LOVE lace, so much so that I couldn't even bear to through away the scraps after my last project. So, of course, I decided to make earrings! I apologize for the poor quality photos- this was my first attempt at posting all of the how-to steps :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
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I have recently discovered I LOVE lace, so much so that I couldn't even bear to through away the scraps after my last project. So, of course, I decided to make earrings! I apologize for the poor quality photos- this was my first attempt at posting all of the how-to steps :)


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    Your supplies! I also recommend a small clip or clamp (I'll explain later), though it is not necessary.

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    Cut the wire according to the size you want the earrings to be, then twist it around into the shape you want (for example, oval, circle, triangle, etc.)

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    Cut out a piece of lace that is slightly bigger than your wire outline.

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    This is probably the most time consuming step: you're going to fold the extra flap of lace around the wire, then sew around the wire to secure the lace. TIP: A small clamp of some sort is a good idea to secure the lace to the wire as you're sewing.

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    Once you have sewn all around the wire, take a pair of scissors and trim the excess lace from the earrings.

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    Tah Dah!!