Cut Out + Keep

'Antique' Heartboxes

Charming & Sweet • Posted by Liantasse

I bought a set of MÅLA heart-shaped boxes from IKEA and decorated them with pages from an old Gothic-script book, and bits of lace and ribbon. I 'painted' the parts not covered by the printed paper with black tea, to give them an antique-looking finish that would match the old book pages.

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Project Budget


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium img 1954 1276978492 Medium img 1930 1276978530 Medium img 1936 1276978549 Medium img 1954 1276978672 Medium img 1950 1276978785 Medium img 1958 1276979119


I bought a set of MÅLA heart-shaped boxes from IKEA and decorated them with pages from an old Gothic-script book, and bits of lace and ribbon. I 'painted' the parts not covered by the printed paper with black tea, to give them an antique-looking finish that would match the old book pages.
