Cut Out + Keep

Amineko Aka Orange Cat

crochet, doll, cat , toy, Amineko • Posted by Mochi Mochi

Here is my old riding mascot Orange Cat. Yeah, I guess I was kinda lazy when I named him. He is my first Amineko cat. His birthday is Jan 15, 2010. He enjoys riding on the handle bars or in the basket and sitting in the shade eating apple jelly on toast at the park. Can be found nowadays hanging out on the bookcase reading old novels I have long forgotten about. If you like to make your own Amineko then follow the link below for the free pattern or pick up a copy of the creator cute Amineko book for more patterns. htt:p//www5a.biglobe.nejp/~mite/diagram/crochetCAt.html

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 20121221 210118 Medium img 20121221 210046 Medium img 20121221 210104 Medium img 20121221 205805


Here is my old riding mascot Orange Cat. Yeah, I guess I was kinda lazy when I named him. He is my first Amineko cat. His birthday is Jan 15, 2010. He enjoys riding on the handle bars or in the basket and sitting in the shade eating apple jelly on toast at the park. Can be found nowadays hanging out on the bookcase reading old novels I have long forgotten about. If you like to make your own Amineko then follow the link below for the free pattern or pick up a copy of the creator cute Amineko book for more patterns. htt:p//www5a.biglobe.nejp/~mite/diagram/crochetCAt.html
