Cut Out + Keep

A Partridge In A Pear Tree

The Twelve Knits of Christmas • Posted by Search Press

He’s the first gift to be offered and the least extravagant, but the partridge is the most famous character in the entire song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” With his pear tree perch, the partridge is a regular on cards that celebrate the festive season. No doubt the original partridge was destined for the cooking pot. This one won’t taste as good—but he promises to look as cute as pie and to stick around for ages.

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4 h 00


Medium screen shot 2012 11 07 at 21.56.47


He’s the first gift to be offered and the least extravagant, but the partridge is the most famous character in the entire song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” With his pear tree perch, the partridge is a regular on cards that celebrate the festive season. No doubt the original partridge was destined for the cooking pot. This one won’t taste as good—but he promises to look as cute as pie and to stick around for ages.


  1. Body Side 1 Make 1 Cast on 6 sts in flecked gray. 1st row: K. Next and every WS row unless stated: P. Next RS row: K1, (inc1) 4 times, K1. [10 sts] Next RS row: K1, (inc1) twice, K4, (inc1) twice, K1. [14 sts] Next RS row: K1, (inc1) twice, K8, (inc1) twice, K1. [18 sts] Next RS row: K. Next row: Cast on 4 sts, P to end. [22 sts] Next row: K to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [21 sts] Next row: P. Rep last 2 rows twice. [19 sts] Next row: K1, ssk, K to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [17 sts] Next RS row: K1, (ssk) twice, K7, (k2tog) twice, K1. [13 sts] Next RS row: K1, (ssk) twice, K3, (k2tog) twice, K1. [9 sts] Next row: p2tog, P5, p2tog. [7 sts] Next row: K1, ssk, K1, k2tog, K1. [5 sts] Bind off pwise.

  2. Side 2 Make 1 Cast on 6 sts in flecked gray. 1st row: K. Next and every WS row unless stated: P. Next RS row: K1, (inc1) 4 times, K1. [10 sts] Next RS row: K1, (inc1) twice, K4, (inc1) twice, K1. [14 sts] Next RS row: K1, (inc1) twice, K8, (inc1) twice, K1. [18 sts] Next RS row: Cast on 4 sts, K to end. [22 sts] Next RS row: K1, ssk, K to end. [21 sts] Next row: P. Rep last 2 rows twice. [19 sts] Next row: K1, ssk, K to last 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [17 sts] Next RS row: K1, (ssk) twice, K7, (k2tog) twice, K1. [13 sts] Next RS row: K1, (ssk) twice, K3, (k2tog) twice, K1. [9 sts] Next row: p2tog, P5, p2tog. [7 sts] Next row: K1, ssk, K1, k2tog, K1. [5 sts] Bind off pwise.

  3. Head Make 1 Cast on 12 sts in orange. Work 4 rows in St st, beg with a K row. Next row: (ssk) 3 times, (k2tog) 3 times. [6 sts] Bind off pwise.

  4. Beak Make 1 Using your crochet hook and dark brown yarn, make a 3⁄8-inch (1-cm) crochet chain.

  5. Making Up and Finishing Place the two body pieces right sides together and whipstitch around the edge, leaving a gap at the base for turning and stuffing. Turn the body right side out, stuff and stitch the gap closed. Fold the head piece in half with the right sides together and whipstitch around the curved edge, leaving the flat side (where you cast on your stitches) open. Turn the head right side out and stuff it. Whipstitch the head in place on the body with the seam at the back. Using dark brown yarn, work the outline of the wings in chain stitch. Using black yarn, work two French knots for the eyes. Using cream yarn, work a circle of chain stitch around the eyes. For the beak, fold the crochet chain in half widthwise and secure it with a couple of running stitches. Use the yarn tails to stitch the beak to the head. Using the flecked gray yarn, work two or three rows of chain stitches up the back of the head, from the nape of the neck to a point just before the beak.