Cut Out + Keep

7 Dots Studio Layout

[ówt krì] - 7 Dots Studio • Posted by Riikka Kovasin

My husband is a musician and a recording artist. He works under several names but what I find the most intriguing is his first project under which he has given out two CDs to date. His style is dark ambient so his works might not be everybody’s cup of tea. To be honest, even I need a certain mind set to listen to a whole album, but what I admire is his drive and his passion. I have had the privilege to see him bloom, from an experimenting, hesitant young man he has grown into a performer keeping live shows and organizing events. And he continues to experiment and grow, both artistically and as a performer.

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1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2018 05 14 142015 7dssept Medium 2018 05 14 143845 7dsseptd1 Medium 2018 05 14 143853 7dsseptd2


My husband is a musician and a recording artist. He works under several names but what I find the most intriguing is his first project under which he has given out two CDs to date. His style is dark ambient so his works might not be everybody’s cup of tea. To be honest, even I need a certain mind set to listen to a whole album, but what I admire is his drive and his passion. I have had the privilege to see him bloom, from an experimenting, hesitant young man he has grown into a performer keeping live shows and organizing events. And he continues to experiment and grow, both artistically and as a performer.


  1. Small 2018 05 14 142030 7dsseptstep1

    I started by creating the seed part using a pencil to draw the outline and then thick acrylic paint for the coloring. Instead of using a regular brush to apply the paint I used a silicone brush to give the shape some texture.

  2. Small 2018 05 14 142042 7dsseptstep2

    Then I added the blue segment on the top of the page using watercolors. First, I made the paper wet and then added the color on top to get a hazy, blurred effect. Then I dried the layer and after that added some splashes.

  3. Small 2018 05 14 142550 7dsseptstep3

    Next I added a hint of pattern to the blue part by using a stencil and two inks.

  4. Small 2018 05 14 142610 7dsseptstep4

    Then some stamping to tie the elements together. I used just one stamp and one ink this time and stamped across the blue area as well as the yellow one and the space in between.

  5. Small 2018 05 14 143411 7dsseptstep5

    My next task was to make the actual seedling you can also see in the cover of the CD. I die cut the leaves out of white cardstock and used the piece of cardstock as a stencil. I used both a white marker and embossing pen together with white powder to make the plant. I also added some white “splashes” by sprinkling white embossing powder to the paper and heating it from underneath.

  6. Small 2018 05 14 143400 7dsseptstep6

    I then adhered the die cut leaves or stems to the page and also added the thorns to the seed. I sketched the thorns using a golden pencil but also used a golden acrylic paint to make some of the thorns more visible. I also added some golden splashes using the paint.

  7. Small 2018 05 14 143643 7dsseptstep7

    Next was layering time! I cut some pieces of patterned paper and layered them behind the photo. I attached the layers together using a stapler. I mounted the photo on top of the cluster with foam dots and the whole thing to the page using the same dimensional things.

  8. Small 2018 05 14 143655 7dsseptstep8

    Embellishing time! To mimic the circular shape of the seed I added a lot of circle embellishments to the page, stickers, die cuts and a flair button. I also added a strip like sticker to the other side of the photo and a couple of text stickers as well.

  9. Small 2018 05 14 143801 7dsseptstep9

    The finishing touches to the page came with foam letter stickers, the journaling and a couple of additional golden pencil lines. I drew these to balance the composition out. I hope you like the step by step and find it inspiring! Thank you for visiting today!