So, because several of you wanted a tutorial for the 10-minute trousers... here ya go - you should be able to click each photo if you need to see them bigger:
Alma added 10 Minute Trousers to Lingerie 03 Jul 10:36
Step 2
Fold both fabric pieces in half together. Fold your existing pair of trousers and place on top of fabric as shown. Cut out around the trousers as shown by the dotted lines. Make sure to add enough for seam allowances and hems. I usually add about 3cm at the waist, and 2cm at the trouser legs. (If you want to use bias binding instead of hemming at the bottom, that is fine too.)
Step 4
Now you need to make the back of the trousers a little higher than the front, to make room for the bum! I do this by opening up the cut pieces and, still keeping them right sides facing and lined up, cut a slanted line as shown in the photo. I usually make one side about 3cm lower than the other. I like to use a rotary cutter and ruler for this, but you can also just use scissors of course.
Step 6
Next, bring the two seams you just did together, and you will start to see a trouser shape emerging. It's time now to sew the leg seams, starting at the bottom of one leg, sewing up the leg until you reach the crotch. Here I like to back-tack a little (sewing backwards and forwards a few times to reinforce) before I continue the seam down the other leg.
Step 10
That's it, you're done!
Now these are just very basic trousers. You can of course finish them better (like overlocking all the raw edges inside...) and do all sorts of funky things to them - but don't expect to finish them in ten minutes if you do! The possibilities here are endless, you can vary the fabric, vary the type of trousers you use as a pattern, add embellishments and features... You can make them as trousers, 3/4 lengths or shorts... Here are just a few ideas to get your ideas flowing:
Fabric options: Why not recycle old jeans, sweatshirts, bedsheets, tablecloths, curtains etc? Use corduroy, twill, silk brocade, dupion, canvas, linen... anything! Different fabrics will give different feels - dress them up by using luxury fabrics, or keep them casual by using rougher fabrics such as denim and canvas.
Add-ons: Pockets, applique, buttons, drawstrings or elastic at the bottom of the legs, funky ribbons and trim, ric-rac, lace, frills... Use your imagination and let those creative juices flow!
And who is to say these are just for kids? You can make them any size you want! They may not look very flattering on us adults, but they'd make wonderfully comfy lounge-/pyjama pants. Imaging them made from a soft jersey, or an old flannel bedsheet... Oh, so soft and perfect for those lazy days where you don't want to leave the house but just curl up on the sofa with a mug of hot choccie and a good book. (Not that I get much of a chance to do that with a 2-year old in the house, but I can dream!)