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Take a #BoudoirTour of Katie Alves loft bedroom in Port Perry.
Book of the Week »
Stitch, Fibre, Metal & Mixed Media

Our #BookOfTheWeek is Stitch, Fibre, Metal & Mixed Media. Meet author Alysn Midgelow-Marsden, make Bauble Pods and #win the book from Search Press.
I lived in the Midlands of England for most of my life, and developed the Beetroot Tree Gallery, until moving to New Zealand in 2012. I now live in a beautiful coastal retreat about an hour north of Auckland (New Zealand’s largest city) and concentrate 100% of my time creating, writing and teaching (when not sneaking off to the beach for some rejuvenating walking, swimming and beachcombing – but please don’t tell my husband!). Much of my current interest reflects this coastal environment and a long ago Marine Biology degree. Like so many other textile artists I was introduced to stitching through my grandma at an early age and also clearly remember school sewing lessons. The first school project was a shirt after which I was allowed to create an abstract ‘composition’ with layers of coloured net and machine stitching. The realisation that sewing didn’t have to be lazy daisy, French Knots, zips or button holes was a revelation and a joy. At the same moment I was also discovering ‘modern’ art – the likes of Monet, Picasso, Mondrian, Klee etc. and the thought that I could marry the two was the start of a (very) long term connection to fabric, stitch and art. I continually feel that I have only scratched the surface in terms of the possibilities of my chosen medium, and long may that continue! I seem to have an experimental and curious nature leading to continuously evolving and changing works and media, investigating new dimensions as they develop. Currently I am working primarily in copper, bronze, brass, stainless steel and pewter in the form of metal shims and woven metal fabrics and wires, combined with a variety of plastics, paint media, papers, fabrics, pens, threads and natural objects.

Host a Trolls World Tour Party in #DIYTheParty with Miranda.
Who doesn't love the Trolls? With a killer soundtrack, an overdose of colour and glitter and some 90s nostalgia, the Trolls have fans of all ages. To celebrate the new movie - or to enjoying re-watching the first! - why not throw a Troll party? All you need to do is get your besties round, have some fun baking cakes and making each other over and then sit down to watch with some popcorn - colourful of course!

Come on a #CraftRoomTour at Seaside Quilting and see Kim's Quilting Room in San Clemente, California.
My huge custom-made cutting table is my favorite thing about my quilting room. This table is extra special because it was given to me by my best friend Susan. Her husband made it for her art room but several years later she became ill and couldn’t work on projects anymore. Last year she made sure that I got her table. Sadly, she passed away in June, but I think of her everyday I am working at my table and I have such great memories of our friendship . (There is a picture of the two of us on the wall near the table)
Meet #FeaturedMember CiiMoore who loves learning new creative hobbies!
How did you find CO+K and why did you join?
A very long time ago! My old account was made i think in the early 2000's! I made a new account just recently. Which is the one being featured. I really like the site, and reading tutorials. My favourite part is making posts. I do hope to get some tutorials up and going. That feature makes things so much easier to do!
What projects are you currently working on?
Too many. But here's what's on my table(s).
-Finish up the stockings
-new garb
-finish skull projects
-finish pirate garb
-get some runsets and bind runes made
-make jewelry. A lot of it.
-create a portrait for my younger brother's music
-finish unfinished drawings
-carve some spoons and bowls
-and walking staffs...
And probably finish up what I started, first.
Read the rest of the interview »
There may be a lockdown in London, but the Sidetrack London team are celebrating Burns Night with J&B Rare Whisky, creating Scottish cocktails and recipes for you to enjoy at home!
Book of the Week »
Crochet Iconic Women

Our #BookOfTheWeek is Crochet Iconic Women. Read our interview with author Carla Mitrani, crochet Amelia Earhart and win the book from David & Charles.
I’m Carla Mitrani, the crochet designer behind Amour Fou dolls and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I married and I have two redhead boys. However, being a crochet doll designer is in fact my secret identity. I am actually the TV producer of a weekly talk show on national politics, which in my country means a crisis per week! I basically never get bored. On 2020, such a strange year, I had my book published: “Crochet Iconic Women”.