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We meet Cheryl who loves taking a piece of fabric and turning it into something she can wear!


Featured Member Interview

How did you find CO+K and why did you join?

I can't remember exactly how I found CO+K, I know it was before I started making tutorials for my YouTube channel, so about four or five years ago. I believe I found it while I was searching the internet for DIY websites and I stumbled across it. I joined because I wanted to be able to favorite the tutorials I liked and just be a part of the website!

What projects are you currently working on?

The projects I'm working on currently are mostly in my mind right now until I can get the materials to make them. I do have plans for some upcoming projects though, such as a one piece swimming suit with a peplum. I'd like to have it finished in time for swimming weather, so I've got some time! I'd also like to make a simple gown for no particular reason other than the experience.


October 1, 2011
Missouri, Missouri, United States
Featured Projects
540 times


What does your craft space look like?

I have attached a photo at the bottom of this email. This was taken awhile ago, but my craft space hasn't changed. Well, other than getting messier!

Which tool or craft supply do you use the most?

My fabric scissors see a lot of work, so I'd say I use it the most.

What do you craft along to?

What I watch/listen to changes each time really! I watch shows that I am trying to catch up on, or just listen to my music. I enjoy some Panic! At The Disco, Owl City, Taylor Swift, and a long list of others!

Favorite Craft

The craft I'd say I enjoy the most would have to be sewing. I love that I can have one piece of fabric and a couple hours later I can have something to wear! Therefore my favorite things to make are garments. I love the designing process and seeing the piece come together.

Cheryl's Top Crafts

If you could learn one new craft or make anything, what would it be?

I've attempted to knit, and I can do very simple things, but I'd love to be able to knit and do all of the fancy stitches and everything. I would love to make a Slytherin scarf!

Who are your crafting heroes?

One of my top crafting heroes is another YouTuber actually. She inspired me to start making my own tutorials, and I never tire of watching her videos! Her YouTube name is SecretLifeOfaBioNerd (https://www.youtube.com/user/SecretLifeOfaBioNerd, if you'd like the link) and her real name is K.L.
Another one of my crafting heroes...or group I suppose you'd say, is Threadbanger. They also have a YouTube channel and are another inspiration to me and have been for quite awhile. (https://www.youtube.com/user/ThreadBanger)