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Spicy Baked Feta Rigatoni

viral feta gone spicy • Posted by Laura Daisy

so easy and tasty

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0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 2021 03 18 172824 feta


so easy and tasty


  1. Good quality tomatoes is the key to this dish,anemic watery ones simply wont do. Add a punnet of cherry tomatos to a baking dish,place a block of feta in the middle drizzle over lots of chili oil and add around 3/4 cloves of garlic.three chopped chillies i use birds eye and jalapeno. season well tear up some basil leaves and add

  2. bake for twenty minutes Boil some rigatoni in some salted water. When the bake is done mash all the ingredients together stir in the pasta,add some fresh basil leaves.

  3. check out my video for this recipe