Cut Out + Keep

Oceano Necklace

Music Inspired • Posted by Ashley D.

Inspired by the very talented, Josh Groban, and his song "Oceano", this piece was one of the very first very ornate pieces I ever made, and the first time I ever used brick stitch. It took me about 15 hours, but it was well worth the time. It's still one of my favorites many necklaces later. If you would like to hear the song I have provided a link to youtube below.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


15 h 00


Pretty Tough
Medium oceana 1303941643


Inspired by the very talented, Josh Groban, and his song "Oceano", this piece was one of the very first very ornate pieces I ever made, and the first time I ever used brick stitch. It took me about 15 hours, but it was well worth the time. It's still one of my favorites many necklaces later. If you would like to hear the song I have provided a link to youtube below.
