Cut Out + Keep

Mini Strawberry & Chocolate Treats

Mini sweet desserts, perfect for a Friday night party or meeting with best friends. • Posted by Patrycja H.

They are easy to make, yet very effective! You can top these treats with whatever you want - whipped cream, fresh fruits, chocolate - and I have no doubts your guests will be very impressed.

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Project Budget


0 h 40


Nice & Simple
Medium 2021 07 15 144708 dsc03817


They are easy to make, yet very effective! You can top these treats with whatever you want - whipped cream, fresh fruits, chocolate - and I have no doubts your guests will be very impressed.


  1. Crumble or grind the cookies into very small pieces, practically into flour. Melt the butter in a pot or microwave. Add cocoa and sugar and combine all the ingredients together, kneading to a coherent mass. Use it to cover the bottom of 12 rubber molds and put them in the fridge.

  2. Mix the jelly vigorously with boiling water until dissolved. Then blend together with the quark/cottage cheese until smooth. Pour the cheese cake in proportional amounts into our molds, put it in the fridge for about 3 hours until it solidifies

  3. That's it! Now all you have left to do is add some pretty toppings to impress your guests ;)