DIY Superstar

Decor Hint

Decorate your home with #HomeDIYSuperstar Karen from Decor Hint

Seattle, WA

Tell us a bit about your home and what you love about it the most?

Our home is a 1920s craftsman style. Its not very big but I love the size! Living in a small home has really taught me to be super efficient with space, to declutter like a pro and I love how it's really easy to clean and maintain. Our home has lots of character - large and small windows, moldings, cove ceilings - it's very bright and open.

What was the first DIY project you did to your home or first thing you made for it?

My first ever DIY project was a throw pillow! It was a hot mess but through practice I've gotten a lot better and braver with DIY projects. I'm now getting into woodworking which is super exciting and opens up a lot of projects for me and our home.

Do you have any tips for staying tidy & organised?

Only keep what you truly love and what makes you happy. Get rid of everything else! And invest in cute baskets.

If you could tour any celebrities home, who would it be?

Julianna Hough - I love her style.

If you had three wishes, what changes would you make to your home?

I would install a master bathroom.
I would add a bedroom to our top floor.
I would install a hot tub in our backyard.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

Too many! :) I love to sew, do macrame, make wreaths and now build things with wood. I also love to garden, read home magazines and shop.

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