Crafty Superstar


Craft along with #CraftySuperstar Jennifer from Craftic

Jennifer Refat
Toronto, Canada
Founder & software engineer

What are your hobbies?

Reading comes close to my crafting obsession! I also like exploring Toronto and visiting new coffee shops although I'm not a huge coffee drinker.

What are your favorite crafts and what's your craft space like?

My first crafty love was knitting - it was immediate and I was hooked for many years! I also enjoying paper crafts, planner crafts, watercolors, beading, and I sometimes have been known to embroider. I like to do a bit of everything. :)

I have a craft room (um, taken over the guest room really..) and it's got 2 bookcases and a small closet for storage. I have a craft table where all works in progress hang out til I get back to them. I also have my main computer desk where I work on the site and do all the non-crafty things related to Craftic!

What do you craft along to?

I have a pretty varied Spotify playlist that spans many genres and decades. I like listening to crafty and creative biz podcasts as well tech and more random ones like 99% invisible.

What was the first project you ever made?

When I was a kid, I made my mom a ring with seed beads for the band and letter beads to spell out "m❤️m" in the center. Despite it being made by a 7-year old, she wore it proudly for months and it made me pretty happy to see that. She still has it!

What are your favorite items to make?

I love drawing mandalas - I can get lost in the process for a couple of hours while I draw and listen to a good podcast. Knitting cowls is probably my favorite cold weather craft - they knit up really fast and you can wear them within a week! I also like using washi tape and stickers on just about anything. :)

Which other craft blogs do you love to read?

Craftic, of course. ;) I also like Dear Handmade Life, Meet Me at Mikes, Purl Soho, While She Naps, Wild Olive, and and Design Sponge (although it's closing soon :\)

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks for the opportunity to be featured! I'm hosting a craft challenge (#CrafticChallenge) the week of September 16th that I'd love to shout out if this goes live around then. :)

Make sure to follow Craftic on

Jennifer Refat
Latest Tweets
  • false Knits
  • false Crochets
  • false Sews
  • false Makes Clothes
  • false Cooks
  • false Draws
  • false Paints
  • false Scrapbooks
  • false Embroiders

What's your favorite...

TV Show
New Girl
New York City
You've Got Mail
Fahrenheit 451
Sunny yellow
Craft Shops In Your Town
Paper Plus Cloth, Mr. Pen, and Curry's