Cut Out + Keep

Upcycling A Shirt Into A Skirt

Shirt to skirt • Posted by Nicole M.

Upcycling of on old shirt to a skirt by simply cutting the upper part off, pinning the lower part to a bias cut band as waistband, and adding an eye and hook closure.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 2019 08 11 172019  %2bhigh%2blatitude%2bstyle


Upcycling of on old shirt to a skirt by simply cutting the upper part off, pinning the lower part to a bias cut band as waistband, and adding an eye and hook closure.


  1. Small 2019 08 11 172506 zoomongreatfit

    Take an old men's shirt that's at least one size larger than your size. Make a straight line starting just underneath the left sleeve to just underneath the right sleeve. Cut the sleeve part off. The lower part will be the skirt.

  2. Take your waist measurements and make a bias cut waist band 2 inch wide and your waist measurement plus 2 inches long. Alternatively you can use just pre-made bias cut band you can buy in any sewing store. Gather the skirt part and pin its left side to the waistband leaving one inch free on both sides of the waistband. Fold the waist over to the right side. Pin the waistband to the right side of the skirt and sew it on. Fold the 1 inch ends of the waistband inside the "tube" and close the tube.

  3. Sew press buttons or eye hooks to close the waistband.