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Simple Lace Knit Scarf

Based on Simple Lace Knit Scarf by Julie from Sum of their Stories • Posted by Jacky M.

I used a 2 100% cashmere wool skins by Urth Yarns. 400 rows on 5.5mm needles. One of my favourite patterns to knit. Enjoyed every minute of making this. It took me 8 days. Thank you.

You will need


64 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2020 04 26 124911 20200423 123242 Medium 2020 04 26 124938 img 20200425 wa0004


I used a 2 100% cashmere wool skins by Urth Yarns. 400 rows on 5.5mm needles. One of my favourite patterns to knit. Enjoyed every minute of making this. It took me 8 days. Thank you.
