Cut Out + Keep

Giant Reeses Peanut Butter Cup

Yummy just got a whole lot better. • Posted by Twizzy

*For future reference. If you have any questions regarding this recipe. Please email me directly so i can answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.* This is the best reeses peanut butter but i have ever eaten. Believe it or not, but when you mix the stuff together for the peanut butter. It actually taste like reeses peanut butter peanut butter. (that sounds redundant i know.) Trust me, you will have fun making this as much as you will enjoy eating it. oops* i completely for got to add the credit for this project. I found it at

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 30


Medium 09 1226621228 Medium 10 1226621242


*For future reference. If you have any questions regarding this recipe. Please email me directly so i can answer your questions to the best of my knowledge.* This is the best reeses peanut butter but i have ever eaten. Believe it or not, but when you mix the stuff together for the peanut butter. It actually taste like reeses peanut butter peanut butter. (that sounds redundant i know.) Trust me, you will have fun making this as much as you will enjoy eating it. oops* i completely for got to add the credit for this project. I found it at


  1. Small 17188

    Gather your ingredients for your awesome chocolate peanut butter snack. For the chocolate chips i would recommend milk chocolate. Semi-Sweet and Dark chocolate chips will make it taste really blah. Also, i would recommend you don't add milk to the chocolate. It will not harden if its to liquid-y. Nothing worse than a runny peanut butter cup. And for sh*ts and giggles. I used the reeses peanut butter. Its a little more expensive than the normal peanut butter but i thought it would make it more authentic to use reeses peanut butter.

  2. Small 17192

    You start by preparing the pan for the chocolate. I took the parchment paper, cut a big circle out and figured out the inside diameter of the pan. Then, using a small wooden stick, I proceeded to fold the edge back and forth to get the nice crankily type of edges for the giant cup.

  3. Small 17196

    Next using a glass, mixing bowl, I poured about 1 cup of milk(i still would not use milk, but you can if you want) and chocolate chips into it and added 1 tablespoon of shortening. This gets the mixture to flow better when it is melted. Using short bursts on low power, I melted it in a microwave. If you are using baking chocolate, the double boiler over water works better, but chips handle microwaving pretty well. However, they will deceive you as you watch them through the glass by NOT looking melted. Take them out and stir with a spatula to teach them a lesson. When you have it flowing well, give it a few more seconds of radiation, then pour into your mold.

  4. Small 17198

    Check the depth of your bottom layer with a toothpick, fork or some other marker. I used a wooden skewer, marked at how deep I wanted the bottom layer. I then gave it some short shakes back and forth to get the layer to even out and the trapped bubbles to rise to the surface. Put it in the fridge to set. I would allow the chocolate to sit for about 2-3 hours to make sure its really hard.

  5. Small 17200

    Here comes the good part. The graham cracker crumbs are made for pie crusts. Some of it is fine, and some is course. I wanted much finer grains, so I started by putting about ¾ of a cup in a mini-food processor (you can use a blender or skip this step if you wish) and pushing the “11” button. After a bit of noise, I have molecule-sized crumbs. Set aside for now.

  6. Small 17201

    Now, scoop out about 4 full tablespoons of peanut butter into a good size mixing bowl. Add about 1 tablespoon of butter. It may not look like much but we're about to add more volume. Pour in 3 ½ to 4 cups of the confectioners sugar and the 3/4 cup of the graham cracker crumbs. Looks great, doesn’t it? Well no, it doesn’t. So get mixing with your weapon of choice. You can go electric if you like, but I prefer the control of a good silicon spatula. By the time your arm is getting tired, you’ll find the peanut butter has absorbed the sugar and crumbs into a doughy type of material. If you taste it now you will find it tastes very close to the inside of a Reese’s. THIS was the Holy Grail I was looking for. I put mine in the fridge for about 10 minutes to get it a little more solid to work with.

  7. Small 17202

    If your bottom is set, (I mean the chocolate one) bring it out and ready the peanut butter filling. I put out a sheet of parchment paper and put the peanut butter dough on it. Then I semi-flattened it and covered it with another sheet of parchment paper. I used a rolling pin to flatten it out. Then I found a lid that was about the diameter that I wanted the inner disk of peanut butter to be. I used this as a guide to cut out a clean-edged (sort-of) disk and plop it onto the bottom layer of chocolate.

  8. Small 17203

    You may have had some chocolate left from the first layer. Add more chips and shortening to mix up more. I’d say about 1 ¼ cups. Nuke and mix as you did in the earlier step. When it’s ready to pour, go to it. Fill the top and around the edges. It won't want to flow too well, so you may have to use your handy-dandy spatula to show it who’s boss. I did not have quite enough to evenly make the top layer, so I had to add about another ½ cup of chips and pour it on top. Again I used the shake & shimmy method to even the melted chocolate and release air bubbles. After it’s done, back in the fridge to set.

  9. Small 17204

    Once your top layer has set your ready to dish it up. Wahla! Your very own Giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.